The New York Post smeared Breitbart Senior Editor MILO as an “alt-right extremist” in a recent article mentioning the Dangerous Faggot, despite the fact that MILO has repeatedly dismissed the label.

“Chadwick Moore, a 33-year-old journalist who lives in Williamsburg, had been a lifelong liberal. Then, last September, he penned a profile for Out magazine of Milo Yiannopoulos — a controversial alt-right extremist who is an outspoken critic of feminism, Muslims and gay rights (despite being openly gay himself),” proclaimed the note at the beginning of OUT Magazine contributor Chadwick Moore’s recent article  where he came out as a conservative.

The smear was included in a note written by The New York Post‘s Michael Kaplan, whose byline appears on the print edition of the story, and not by Moore, whose piece was praised by MILO as a “touching story.”

MILO has been repeatedly branded “alt-right” by news outlets and journalists, despite the fact that both parties have repeatedly refuted this claim.

In the past few months, several major news outlets have issued retractions after falsely branding MILO with terms such as “white nationalist” and “alt-right,” including NBC News, USA Today, CNN, CBS, The Los Angeles TimesThe Chicago Tribune, and Fusion, who called MILO a “Nazi” before deleting the post.

The Mayor of Berkeley was forced to apologize after falsely labeling MILO as a “white nationalist,” but has since gone on to falsely claim that the Breitbart News senior editor is “a prominent alt-rightist.”

Alt-right icon Richard Spencer previously dispelled claims of MILO being a member of the movement, stating simply that “Milo is not a part of the alt-right” during a video debate.

Popular alt-right blog “The Right Stuff” also bluntly declared in an article that “Milo isn’t one of us.”