Breitbart Senior Editor MILO will appear on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher this Friday to discuss free speech on college campuses, in the wake of the violent riots that disrupted the final events of his “Dangerous Faggot Tour.”

He will appear as the top of the show guest, which will mean a one-on-one interview with Maher.

During an episode on February 3 in the wake of the left-wing riots at UC Berkeley, Maher joked that if MILO should come on the show, the producers would be “putting on extra security,” citing his suspension from Twitter as an example of “how bad he is.”

However, Maher added that he has been a “longtime critic of colleges shutting people up. Free speech should be something we own.”

MILO will be joined on the show by the actress and former Scientologist Leah Remini, former Republican congressman Jack Kingston, investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill and comedian Larry Wilmore.

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