Left-wing columnists from a variety of media outlets have thrown their toys out of the pram in response to MILO’s appearance on “Real Time With Bill Maher” yesterday evening. 

Daniel Holloway of The Chicago Tribune, attacked Maher for giving MILO the opportunity to “renew attacks on familiar targets,” despite the fact that Maher repeatedly challenged MILO on the show.

Yiannopoulos continued by repeating his assertion that Jones, who has been a writer and cast member on “Saturday Night Live” for four seasons, is “barely literate.” His claim went unchallenged by Maher.

Neal Broverman of The Advocate argued that Maher “crossed the line” by having MILO on the show, before criticizing the liberal commentators use of the word “fag.”

If it wasn’t bad enough that Bill Maher gave gay troll Milo Yiannopoulos a huge forum by featuring him on his HBO show, the straight TV host thought it appropriate to call him a “fag” during the interview.

On top of Maher’s disgusting choice of words, he introduced Yiannopoulos like he was a Hollywood celebrity; joking and almost flirting with him like he was having George Clooney, Jennifer Lawrence, or some innocuous actor on his show.

Hannah Gold of Jezebel was similarly outraged, claiming Maher is now a “monster” for his decision to invite MILO on as a guest for Friday night’s show.

The thing about Maher is that—though he’s made too many nasty jokes about minorities and women for me to ever enjoy him—he is usually pretty good at making fun of everyone. He didn’t do that in his interview with Yiannopoulos. I’m sure Maher of all people can appreciate the truth about how much that fucking sucked.

Mary Papenfuss of The Huffington Post, falsely labeling MILO a “white nationalist,” criticized Maher for allegedly letting MILO off easy for what she regards as his controversial stances on several issues.

The much-anticipated appearance between Bill Maher and Milo Yiannopoulos on HBO’s “Real Time” came off more like a mutual admiration society. At one point, the host even playfully referred to the white nationalist as an “impish, British fag.”

Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson slammed Maher, accusing him of helping to amplify MILO’s “bigotry,” while also falsely associating the Dangerous Faggot with “white supremacy.”

But the prize for hyperbolic outrage surely goes to Daily Kos blogger “Chitown Kev.”

“The gall of Bill Maher to compare Milo to the late, great Christopher Hitchens was stunningly unmitigated,” wrote Kev. “I mean, really? REALLY?”