In an article for The Washington Post, writer Ellen McCarthy claimed Breitbart senior editor MILO formed a “bromance” with Bill Maher during his appearance on HBO’s Real Time, Friday.

McCarthy noted that MILO and Maher “got along famously,” as they bonded over their joint love of free speech and “the unifying power of humor in a one-on-one conversation.”

The article went on to state that Maher had come “under fire” from fellow liberals for booking MILO on his show, including journalist Jeremy Scahill, who pulled out from the show as he believed it would allow MILO to “incite violence.”

At the start of his conversation with Yiannopoulos, the host explained: “I think you’re colossally wrong. But if I banned everyone from my show who I thought was colossally wrong, I’d be talking to myself.” Maher’s guest agreed, saying, “If you don’t show up to debate, you lose.”

Yiannopoulos, in pearls, camo pants and stacked bracelets, quickly taunted Maher’s audience with sweeping negative statements about gays and women, laughing when the crowd booed. “I’m kidding,” he chided. “You’re very easily triggered. It’s pathetic.”

Then the conversation shifted to an easygoing back-and-forth about the role of unfiltered comedy in a freethinking society. “Humor’s what drives people together, not breaks them apart,” Yiannopoulos said.

But when he insulted Amy Schumer and Sarah Silverman — comics Yiannopoulos said he admired, until they “contracted feminism” — Maher checked him. Same for Yiannopoulos’s derision of Lena Dunham, but for a different reason. “Let’s not bash fellow HBO stars,” Maher joked.

You can read the full article at The Washington Post.

Jack Hadfield is a student at the University of Warwick and a regular contributor to Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @ToryBastard_, on Gab @JH or email him at