Over 24,000 people ran in the 13th Annual Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon Sunday morning. Forty-seven states and nine countries were represented, including runners from the Boston Marathon a few weeks ago.

The marathon brings together the community and remembers the 168 victims from the attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Building on April 19, 1995. 

This year was special. Oklahoma City reached out to runners in the Boston Marathon and gave them an opportunity to finish this marathon. The Oklahoma City Memorial and Museum waived the registration fee for the half a dozen runners who participated in the marathon.

Before the annual race, the runners and crowd observe 168 seconds of silence for every Oklahoma bombing victim. This year they added three seconds–for the three victims from Boston. Many wore red socks in honor of the Boston victims, and there were even more who showed up in Boston Red Sox and Boston Celtics gear. Others wore special shirts specifically for Boston.

It is a tradition at Fenway Park to play Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline” in the eighth inning. “Sweet Caroline” was played a few times over the loud speaker during the marathon.

Security was tightened in light of the Boston Marathon tragedy. Local, county, state and federal officers were on the ground, in the air and on top of buildings to keep an eye on everyone. Bomb squads were scattered around along with K-9 units.