Ray Lewis is not the kind to just sit back and enjoy retirement. As one of the greatest linebackers in NFL history, Lewis has already agreed to become a contributor with ESPN. Now, he has also announced plans to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro for charity.

The 19,000+-foot summit is the tallest peak in Africa. Lewis’s climb is designed to raise funds for clean water for the children of the continent.

Even in retirement, Lewis is poised to remain a controversial figure. A winning personality and continued charitable work will only cement his legacy with current fans from his days as a passionate and dominant force in Baltimore’s defenses that won two Super Bowls. On the other hand, to those who found Lewis’ antics distasteful and connection to the 2000 murder trial unforgivable, such acts are likely to be seen in less favorable lights.

Lewis finished his career earlier this year after he was the heart and soul behind the Ravens’ Super Bowl run. He finished his career with 2050 tackles, and he has a strong record of charitable acts for disadvantaged youth and  the disabled.