In a horrific act of senseless violence, 22-year old Christopher Lane, an Australian college baseball player at East Central University in Oklahoma, was shot and killed by three teenagers while jogging in his girlfriend’s hometown of Duncan, Oklahoma. According to police statements, Lane jogged past the house where the three teenagers, ages 15, 16, and 17, were staying.

The 17-year old gave a detailed confession of the chilling murder to local police and stated that when Christopher Lane passed by the house one of the three in the group stated “There’s our target.” The three then hopped in a car and followed Christopher Lane before one of them pulled out a gun and shot him in the back. Bystanders attempted to help Lane after hearing the gunshot, but the young man passed away before paramedics could arrive.

Making the act even more disturbing is that the reason the 17-year old gave to police for shooting Lane was, “we were bored and didn’t have anything to do, so we decided to kill somebody.” The teenager also stated they killed Christopher Lane for “the fun of it.” Police also stated that the teenagers were planning on killing more people in the future.

The three suspected killers are going to be charged with first-degree murder. They have their first court appearance on Tuesday afternoon.