Legendary Dodgers announcer Vin Scully said that he believed the success of the Dodgers this season played a role in his deciding to return for a 65th season next year.

“I do think that the success of the team had something to do with it,” Scully said on Friday. “These last 50 games, coming to the ballpark and watching them pull out some miraculous victories, it was so thrilling — even for someone who had seen however many games I’ve seen before.

The redhead from Fordham added the he prays that, “I’ll be allowed to do it for at least one more year.”

“As far as I’m concerned, it could have been one line in the note sheet tonight. But I don’t take any of it for granted in any way, shape or form. I know that this miracle was given to me, and I could lose it in 30 seconds between the time I leave here and go up to the booth,” he said. “I’m just so blessed to be doing what I love to do and full of thanks.”