In a tweet that speaks for itself, former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann, who is now at ESPN, ripped his former employer on Twitter for allowing host Melissa Harris-Perry and her panel to mock Mitt Romney’s adopted black grandchild. 

“Any adults in charge over there,” Olbermann tweeted on Tuesday after Harris-Perry issued her apology. 

At MSNBC, Olbermann reportedly had contentious battles with Joe Scarborough and MSNBC President Phil Griffin, with whom Olbermann veered the network sharply and contentiously to the left, and was ushered out the door after NBC merged with Comcast. Since Olbermann left MSNBC, MSNBC hosts have suggested that someone should defecate and urinate in the mouth of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and mocked a family for adopting a black grandchild.