Worries about the quality of Russia’s Sochi winter Olympics seemed to be well founded as one of the giant Olympic rings light displays failed to deploy during the Friday opening ceremony.

Five enormous snowflakes dropped from the ceiling over a choir in traditional Russian garb. Four out of five of the huge snowflakes opened up into the Olympic rings, but the fifth one failed to deploy. This forced the planners to abandon the feature.

The technical failure was mocked relentlessly on Twitter.  

Update: The opening ceremony paid homage to Russia’s Communist past, displaying giant hammer and sickles as the stadium was awash in a bright red glow.

(Photo Credit: Reuters)

(Photo Credit: Reuters)

Many Twitter commentors savaged the Communist symbolism.

Update: This was not the only link to the Russina Communist era at the event. Harkening back to Soviet-era picture manipulation to remove imagery that ran counter to the narrative of the regime, images released from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s suite shows all five Olympic rings open and lit. It is unclear whether the image was manipulated or taken at a different time, nevertheless, it is different that what millions of people around the world saw at the opening ceremony.

(Photo credit: AP)