Number 23 turns 51 today. After an early present of twins, Michael Jordan received birthday presents from two of the current NBA greats who wanna be like Mike.

Last week, LeBron James announced that he’ll be on the basketball Mount Rushmore after he retires. For now, LBJ puts MJ, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, and Oscar Robertson on the mythic mountain.

Not to be upstaged, Kobe offered–okay a reporter dragged it out of him–that he would put his one-time hobbling rival, Michael Jordan, on his basketball Mount Rushmore, too. Confessing that his Italian upbringing made him ignorant of the number of presidents on the South Dakota monument, Kobe added Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, and Bill Russell on his all-time fantastic four. 

So, celebrate the presidents on Presidents’ Day if you care to. Or, celebrate basketball’s George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt–whoever they might be. Michael Jordan celebrates his fifty-first birthday, more than a decade removed from the game, remaining secure that his visage remains secure on that mountain–even if he can no longer dunk from the foul line.