The NFL is considering placing the ball for the extra-point attempt at the 25-yard line instead of scrapping the point-after attempt.’s Judy Battista reported that the NFL Competition Committee discussing whether to award an extra point for a 42-yard field after touchdowns. Teams would still have the option to go for two points from the two-yard line. 

The 20-yard chip shot point-after attempt was converted “99.6 percent of the time during the 2013 season.” According to, “placing the ball at the 25-yard line would certainly increase the degree of difficulty for kickers. The conversion rate of field goals between 40 and 49 yards last season was 83 percent.” Teams that went for the two-point conversion were successful about 50% of the time. 

“There is no consensus yet,” one member of the committee told Battista. “We could experiment in preseason, but we are not there yet.”