Oklahoma City Thunder owner Clay Bennett has joined the T.W. Shannon campaign as a campaign chair days after Shannon received former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s endorsement.

According to The McCarville Report, Bennett, the “longtime business leader noted for bringing the NBA to Oklahoma,” wrote a fundraising letter for Shannon. 

“I’m very excited about T.W.’s race for the United States Senate, and that’s why I’ve signed on as a campaign chairman,” he reportedly wrote. “T.W. represents a fresh hope and optimism for the future of our country and our Party that I haven’t seen in a long time.”

Bennett wrote the fundraising letter days after Shannon received the endorsement of Sarah Palin, which is the most influential in GOP primaries. 

“Tom Coburn leaves large conservative shoes to fill as he retires from the U.S. Senate. At 6’5 feet tall, T.W. Shannon is just the leader to fill them,” Palin wrote. “T.W. is the underdog in his race, but that’s not a position he’s unfamiliar with.”

Shannon, arguably the most conservative Oklahoma House Speaker in history, has vowed to go to Washington to not be a manager who simply oversees the gradual decay of America but to fight against the permanent political class responsible for it.

“We are suffering from a lack of conservative vision. I believe we desperately need leaders with deep convictions who will fight–and win–the battles for conservative policies,” Shannon told Palin, who wrote that “We can also rest assured that T.W. will bring to D.C. the integrity and moral compass he acquired growing up attending Bethlehem Baptist Church and teaching Sunday School.”

Photo: MyNorthWest.com