New York Mets player Daniel Murphy is a terrible, awful, horrible person since he missed the first two games of a 162-game season to be with his wife when she gave birth to their first child–not their second or third or fourth, but their first. At least that’s the opinion aired by several New York City sports talkers.

New York radio blew up with men bashing Murphy for taking paternity leave. NFL great Boomer Esiason said Murphy’s wife should have scheduled a C-section before opening day. Mike Francesca called paternity leave a scam.

“What are you going to do? I mean you are going to sit there and look at your wife in a hospital bed for two days? Your wife doesn’t need your help the first couple of days; you know that you’re not doing much the first couple days with the baby that was just born.”

Callers to the show said they would choose to be with their wife and newborn child. It appears many fans were on Murphy’s side. Twitter user @ollieblog told Breitbart Sports he had no problem with Murphy taking time off and pointed out Francesca is a huge New York Yankees fan. Fans started the hashtag #ImWith28 to show their support for Murphy.

Here’s the 411 for Esiason about C-sections: C-sections are major surgery that involves cutting into the woman’s uterus. The woman is generally required to stay in the hospital for several days and a full recovery is 6-8 weeks. Unless it is a medical emergency doctors prefer not to induce until two weeks after the due date. Taking a baby out of the womb too early for no good reason can cause great harm to the baby (For the record: I have had two c-sections, neither attended by Daniel Murphy. The first was unplanned and the doctor had me push for hours before giving in.).

The New York Mets had no issue with Murphy staying with his wife. “The paternity-leave policy was introduced not just for the players’ benefit, but recognition by clubs in contemporary times that this is an appropriate time for parents to be together,” Mets general manager Sandy Alderson explained to the New York Daily News. “I’ve got absolutely no problem whatsoever with Murph being away… I’m happy he was able to be with his wife.”

Murphy has just sixteen more opportunities to play the Washington Nationals this season. He can always have more kids, right?