Conan O’Brien called Charles Barkley “notoriously generous” on his show. The Round Mound of Rebound responded, “I think it’s important that the more successful you are, the more you should tip. I truly believe that.” He said it’s vital to take care of waiters and waitresses–and black jack dealers, too. 

Conan queried Barkley on his biggest tip. “I tipped $25,000 before,” the Hall of Famer confessed. “I won about $700,000.” Conan quipped, “In that context, you’re kind of a cheapskate.” Sir Charles noted that when you lose money in Vegas, the dealers don’t give the players money.  

The late-night talker wondered what athlete friends of his guest didn’t tip well. “There’s nobody cheaper than Scottie Pippen and Michael Jordan,” Barkley offered. “Tiger Woods is pretty cheap, too.”

“I think that’s why they’re rich,” Barkley theorized. “They don’t tip.” Jordan earned $90 million in retirement last year. Forbes estimates that MJ will become a billionaire within a few years. Jordan’s Olympic teammate accused O’Brien of stinginess, too. “That’s an absolute lie,” an indignant Conan countered. “I make it rain–yeah, quarters.”

Barkley shared a story about Jordan that illustrated why he dubbed him cheap: “I always give homeless people money and he’ll always slap my hand and say, ‘If they can ask you for spare change they can say ‘Welcome to McDonalds, can I help you please?'”