One half of the Pony Express rides again.

Craig James, fired from FoxSportsNet for beliefs on traditional marriage expressed during a political campaign, just found employment. Unfortunately for football fans, it’s not with ESPN or the NBC Sports Network. The Washington, DC-based Family Research Council (FRC) hired Eric Dickerson’s SMU backfield mate to address growing infringements on the Constitutional rights of religious Americans. A spokesman for Fox admitted James “was terminated because of his religious beliefs about same-sex marriage.” FRC’s president admits that’s the very reason he has hired James.

“Craig has experienced the very workplace disqualification that cultural elites are seeking to impose throughout the country: expressing a politically incorrect opinion on a cultural issue, totally unconnected to employment, is enough to get you fired,” FRC President Tony Perkins announced. “Whether you work for Mozilla, Gallaudet University, or serve in the military, you shouldn’t have to fear being fired for holding to the belief in marriage as the union of a man and a woman. This discrimination runs over the most basic constitutional liberties that have long made our country great. With religious hostility reaching an all-time high, Craig will play a critical role in educating Americans about what they can do to stand up for freedom.”

The mere fact that the former New England Patriot running back is talking the Constitution for a policy group rather than football for a television network already makes the case that Craig will be making as an FRC spokesman.