Notre Dame announced that it would install field turf in its football stadium for the upcoming season. Touchdown Jesus does not approve.

Athletic Director Jack Swarbrick cited wear and tear due to commencement ceremonies at Notre Dame Stadium as a reason for the change. “Synthetic turf will assist our game preparation because our team will be able to play and practice on the same surface,” the AD said in statement. “We will also be able to utilize the Notre Dame Stadium field for practices on home football Fridays and other occasions, whereas that is currently unrealistic. Additionally, this change allows us to eliminate the risk to players posed by the asphalt perimeter that has to be maintained around our current field.”

Translation? We did it because it’s cheaper.

Here’s the question the ghost of Grantland Rice asks: If Famine, Pestilence, Destruction, and Death decide to ride again in the Notre Dame backfield, will they want to do so on a plastic field?