An anonymous Associated Press source has revealed that Donald Sterling’s lawyers have given a six-figure budget to private investigators to dig up “dirt” on NBA commissioner Adam Silver, former commissioner David Stern, and the other 29 NBA owners.

According to ESPN LA, Sterling will be paying close attention to allegations of previous discriminatory conduct by the NBA, and financial compensation for Silver and Stern. Moreover, investigators will be exploring any off-color jokes and racist or sexist remarks made by any of the other NBA owners. NBA Commissioner Adam Silver banned Sterling for life for allegedly making racist comments to his girlfriend in a private conversation, requesting that she not take online photos with black people or accompany them at Clippers games.  

The source remarked that, “The gloves are off, as they say…. Have them dig up all the dirt they can find.” The 80-year-old Sterling filed a lawsuit against the NBA for $1 billion for the sale unauthorized by him and imposing the lifelong ban. Sterling accuses the NBA of violating his constitutional rights by relying on an “illegal” recording of his conversation with V. Stiviano.

Sports Illustrated‘s website PointForward reported that Sterling, who had at one time indicated he would not pursue a lawsuit, has reconsidered and will file suit claiming, “From the onset, I did not want to sell the Los Angeles Clippers.” Further, Sterling said in a letter released by, “I believe that [NBA commissioner] Adam Silver acted in haste by illegally ordering the forced sale of the Clippers, banning me for life from the NBA and imposing the fine.”

Sterling’s attorney asserted that, “We’re going to pull every case against the NBA. Then we’ll demonstrate that the culture of racism and gender discrimination is born at the NBA, where Adam Silver has worked in a high-level position for a long time.”