The National Organization for Women, which stood by their men Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy through their scandalous treatment of women, has called on NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to resign because of his handling of Ray Rice’s assault on his then fiancee.

The league had suspended the player for two games. When a video surfaced earlier this week showing the running back belting his girlfriend (now wife) in an Atlantic City elevator, the league suspended Rice indefinitely and the Baltimore Ravens released him. 

“The only workable solution is for Roger Goodell to resign and for his successor to appoint an independent investigator with full authority to gather factual data about domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking within the NFL community and to recommend real and lasting reforms,” Terry O’Neill, the group’s president, opined in a statement.

“We lost a true legislative hero in Ted Kennedy–a defender of women, children and all those who are discriminated against and underserved in this country,” O’Neill reflected five years ago upon the death of the longtime Massachusetts senator. The group labeled Kennedy, who disappeared for hours after driving Mary Jo Kopechne to her death at Chappaquiddick in 1969, a “champion” of “women’s equality” and “reproductive freedom.”

“We do not know what happened in the Lewinsky case,” NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund executive director Kathy Rodgers commented in the late 1990s. “The only thing that is clear is that the facts are not clear.” Until Kathleen Willey, who had accused the president of rape, appeared on 60 Minutes, she elicited mostly silence from the group. NOW offered an “unable to comment responsibly” before belatedly acknowledging the seriousness of the charge.

No office holder within NOW resigned as a result of the group’s see-no-evil-hear-no-evil-speak-no-evil response to numerous charges of abusive treatment of women by the president.