Curt Schilling maintains that all of the tweets that he blocked for anger and obscenities in an online debate over evolution included “Atheist,” “Liberal,” or “Democrat” somewhere in their profiles.

ESPN analyst Curt Schilling reacted strongly to a raucous week of Twitter exchanges about the merits of evolution with ESPN colleague Keith Law. He shared on Facebook that he wasn’t sure which stunned him more, “the anger, hatred and vile tweets from Atheists/Liberals, Democrats or the lack of Christians chiming in?”

Breitbart Sports reported on November 22 that ESPN suspended baseball analyst Keith Law from using his Twitter account in the wake of criticizing Schilling for tweeting his Christian beliefs and thoughts on evolution.

Schilling posted at Facebook that he thought it “odd” that Law went public with his criticism. Schilling said that he had no problem with Law voicing his disagreement on evolution. After hearing that ESPN suspended Law from Twitter, Schilling expected that they would do the same to him.

The Facebook post expounded on Schilling’s beliefs on evolution saying that, “I totally buy evolution within species, 100% as science has easily proven that. But as a Christian did people really need me to tweet that to know how I felt?” He posts at Facebook that “as a Christian I understand where man came from and how, regardless of whether I can imagine it, God did it, that’s good enough for me.”

The former Phillies pitcher reacted to the onslaught of tweets he received in response to his beliefs, saying that he was “stunned at the language and commentary made by seemingly ‘adults’, scientists, teachers etc.” He equated the situation with “7 year olds on the playground again.”