At the very last minute, a Swedish soccer team decided to change their flight plans from Germanwings Flight 9525 to three other flights. Flight 9525 crashed into the French Alps, killing all 150 people on board.

Dalkurd FF trained in Spain for a week. The team was given four flights back to Sweden, including 9525. At first the team chose 9525, but abandoned the plans when they agreed the layover in Düsseldorf was too long.

“We were actually all due to fly on that plane,” said Adil Kizil, the team’s director. “Four aircraft left at around the same time and flew north over the Alps, and we had players on three of them. You could say we were very, very lucky. You could say it is destiny.”

The members decided “split up and fly via Munich and Zurich.” The layover in Düsseldorf lasted 10 hours.

“All the people there were at the same check-in desk as us at the same time,” continued Kizil. “You could say we had a little luck today. What has happened is very, very tragic.”

Kizil landed in Munich with 200 missed calls. That is when he knew something went terribly wrong. He and the members he flew with immediately attempted to find out which of the four planes crashed.

“Damn, I was jittery,” said striker Erik Törnros. “They thought it was us who had crashed, because we had said we would leave at nine. Completely crazy.”

Törnros and other team members tweeted about the crash.

Translation: Coincidence we were not on the plane that crashed. Totally sick what has happened. Rest in Peace.

Translation: Many thanks to all who thought of us today. But do think about us in @DalkurdFF. Think about the victims and their families. #RIP