Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred announced a paid suspension for Colorado Rockies shortstop Jose Reyes.

Cops in Hawaii arrested Reyes for an alleged assault on his wife on Halloween. A new domestic-violence policy empowers the commissioner to make the unprecedented move to suspend, albeit with pay, without a legal finding of guilt.

“Upon resolution of Reyes’ criminal proceedings and the completion of the Commissioner’s Office’s investigation into the incident, Commissioner Manfred will make a decision whether to impose discipline on Reyes,” a statement by the league read. “The Commissioner’s Office will have no further comment on this matter until a final disposition is announced.”

The players’ association countered with a statement threatening action.

“We are closely monitoring the proceedings in Hawaii, as well as the Commissioner’s actions under the Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Policy,” the MLBPA’s statement read. “If further discipline is issued, or if Mr. Reyes’ paid suspension is not resolved in a timely fashion, the Players Association will work with Mr. Reyes to ensure that all of his rights under the Policy are protected. Pursuant to the confidentiality provisions of the Policy, the Players Association will have no further comment at this time.”