The National Hockey League and Major League Baseball announced a partnership with Twitter for the social-media behemoth to stream one game per week.

“Twitter has become a crucial forum and engagement tool for hockey fans to enhance their NHL viewing experience and stay connected to the game on and off the ice,” Stephen McArdle, NHL executive vice president of digital media and strategic planning, explained in a statement. “We are excited that fans will now be able to enjoy live NHL games through our partnership with Twitter.”

The leagues join the National Football League in partnering with the social-media company to livestream games. Both the NHL and MLB weekly livestreams involve out-of-market games. Twitter entered into a deal with the NFL earlier this year to broadcast Thursday Night Football to a global audience for free over the web.

The MLB Advanced Media struck the deal with Twitter for the company to air baseball and hockey games. According to Variety, Twitter pays the ad revenue up to a certain level to MLB Advanced Media before before both sides split the take.

In addition to the NFLNHLMLB games, Twitter also plans to feature a nightly sports show called “The Rally” on its platform.

The baseball and hockey games come free for Twitter users whether they log in or not. The NBA now stands alone among the four major North American professional sports leagues to not stream games on Twitter.