Tom McDonald and Roy Riegel shared their love of baseball and the New York Mets by attending games, until Roy passed away nine years ago.

Trusted by Riegel’s family with a portion of Roy’s cremated ashes to honor them as he deems appropriate, the 56-year-old McDonald came up with a creative way to pay tribute to his friend, who other than a baseball fan was a plumber by trade.

Initially, McDonald simply scattered a portion of the ashes somewhere in the various stadiums throughout the USA. Then, he decided he would flush some of the ashes down one of the ballpark toilets to honor his friend’s chosen occupation, as well as a tribute to Riegel’s “wild” nature.

“I know people might think it’s weird, and if it were anyone else’s ashes, I’d agree,” reported Sporting News. “But for Roy, this is the perfect tribute to a plumber and a baseball fan and just a brilliant, wild guy.”

But. don’t mistake McDonald’s actions as disrespectful in any way whatsoever. Tom carried out the ritual with high standards.

“The game has to be in progress — that’s a rule of mine,” he said. “I took care of Roy, and I had to use the facilities myself. So I figure, you know, kill two birds.

“I always flush in between, though,” McDonald added. “That’s another rule of mine.”

Obviously, McDonald has given new meaning to the term “courtesy flush.”