Super high-energy Donald Trump, who like a whirling dervish moved from state to state non-stop for two years, campaigning for the nation’s highest office, known for his round the clock work ethic as president, non-imbiber of alcohol and doesn’t smoke, according to Politico, is not physically fit to be president. 

This greatly worries the left-wing political website, because all their other efforts to drag the president down with fake news about Trump/Russia conspiracies are failing.

As leftist journalists stumble around for the next futile weapon to undermine the 45th president of the United States, Politico conjured up the physical-fitness card. Here’s their evidence for the latest in fake news reporting:

During his visit to Saudi Arabia in May, rather than walk, the president hopped a ride in a cart as he toured the National Museum in Riyadh. And a few days later, while six other world leaders at a G-7 summit in Sicily walked 700 yards up a slight hill to a photo-op, Trump followed behind for at least part of the way in, yes, another golf cart.

Not convinced? There’s more. A former executive, Jack O’Donnell employed by Trump in Atlantic City, remembers that some 28 years ago the billionaire businessman once shared with him that exercise had a deleterious effect on his body. “He told me you’ve got to stop that,” referring to O’Donnell’s participation in triathlon contests. “He really believed we only have so much energy, that it was important not to waste it,” said the executive, who wrote “a tell-all book” in 1991 about his dealings with Trump.

According to a summary on Amazon, the book Trumped!: The Inside Story of the Real Donald Trump—His Cunning Rise and Spectacular Fall, apparently runs down Trump in pretty high fashion:

Here’s the inside story of Trump’s legendary tirades, his convenient forgetfulness, and the infamous Donald Trump ego. O’Donnell tells how the Plaza staff catered to Trump’s personal whims, and to those of his mistress—and how the man who built the largest gambling hall in the world knew little about running a casino.

Sounds like a nice balanced account of Trump. I’m sure there are lots of great stories about him too—you can tell by just reading the title. “Cunning” implies deception and “spectacular fall” sounds like O’Donnell delighted in any of Trump’s setbacks. Wonder if O’Donnell is writing a sequel to Trump’s successful rise to billionaire status again, and his ascendancy to the Oval Office.

In an interview he gave to Playboy in 1999, Trump sized up his former top executive at Atlantic City’s Trump Plaza Casino as a “disgruntled employee” and “a fucking loser,” adding he “didn’t know that much about what he was doing.”

Well if you are still not convinced that the President is not in good enough health to remain in his role as commander-in-chief, then you need to know this about him: Trump loves fast-food, has a red meat-heavy diet, and has a “tendency to gorge on television for hours at a time.” This behavior puts him at odds with his predecessors, Politico insists:

Some of them had their vices (Barack Obama and his cigarettes), but they spent hours of free time outside or on the basketball court, breaking a sweat—and made sure the public knew it. Teddy Roosevelt went on legendary “rough, cross-country walks” in D.C.’s Rock Creek Park and was once punched in the eye by a sparring partner half his age. John F. Kennedy projected an image of youthful vitality even as he secretly took painkillers for his bad back and other ailments. Gerald Ford was lampooned as a clumsy oaf on Saturday Night Live, but he was a champion football player in college. George W. Bush, an avid mountain biker, ran 7-minute miles on his regular 5k workouts. Even Bill Clinton lumbered along on regular jogs to atone for his Big Mac habit.

My doctor once told me that if you don’t smoke and wear your seatbelt while driving in a car, chances are excellent that you will live a nice long life, but Politico has a very different view about health, especially when it comes to Donald Trump. Because he likes to eat his steaks with plenty of ketchup, has a penchant for some Kentucky Fried Chicken (I had my wife’s version of that last night), and spends some $1200 a year on fast foods he should be under a death watch. These are “unusual” habits for “someone holding down one of the world’s most demanding jobs,” according to Politico.

To read the rest of just how unfit President Trump is, click here.