The Star Wars Battlefront beta went very well, all told, with over 9.5 million players joining the event.

Out of the nine million players to participate, more than two thirds achieved the maximum rank possible during the test.

An ecstatic community manager by the name of Matthew Everett encapsulated some of the beta statistics in an infographic on the Battlefront blog, and linked some videos of gameplay for those who didn’t get the chance to play.

Over 9.5 Million of you joined us across the PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One, and I can’t overstate how thankful we are for all the feedback you provided us. Our team is working to get Star Wars™ Battlefront™ ready for launch, and we look forward to sharing updates coming out of the Beta soon. With that being said, check out what you were able to accomplish in the short time with the beta.

To say I enjoyed my time with the beta would be an understatement, but the game still had a significant way to go in order to win both the hearts and minds of the gaming community at large. For now, a successful preview period certainly can’t hurt.

Star Wars Battlefront Beta Infographic

Follow Nate Church on Twitter @Get2Church.