Amazon has received threats of boycott from customers for selling infamous Canadian serial killer and rapist Paul Bernado’s book on the Amazon Kindle store.

The 631-page work of fiction, entitled A MAD World Order, follows a character called Mason Steele as he becomes involved in a plot to turn Russia into a world power. According to the book’s Amazon page, it also follows al-Qaeda and a plot to bomb America using dirty bombs.

The book currently has a one-star rating due to the number of negative reviews, and the page is littered with Amazon customers threatening to boycott the store unless the controversial title is removed. One user wrote, “I will not be purchasing ANYTHING from Amazon as long as this book is being sold on their website,” with another writing “I have just cancelled a $200 purchase from Amazon and will not buy from them again until this book is removed”.

Most of the reviews blame for publishing the book and threaten to boycott the service should the book remain.

Publishing a Kindle book can be done by any user, and is an automatic service, but users are still holding the company to account.

Bernado received a life sentence in 1995 for the rape and murder of two girls but has admitted to raping 14 others.

Tony Bryant, Bernado’s lawyer, has confirmed that the book is authentic and was released on June 25 of this year.

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