A GamerGate supporter who snuck into an anti-GamerGate panel at Northeastern Illinois University and streamed it online was reported to campus p0lice and falsely accused of making “threatening comments.” He caught the whole thing on film.

Cristian Flores, who goes by the Twitter username “Experiment #626,” was roaming the corridors after the panel, at which feminists bemoaned the lack of “safe spaces” to “protect” them from gamers, when he was approached by a campus police officer and told that someone matching his description had been reported for making threats. As the video below clearly shows, he had done no such thing.

The GamerGate supporter, who identifies himself by name to the officer around 1 hour and 48 minutes into the footage, had been fooling around to amuse his viewers. He had picked up a packet of Ritz crackers and placed one of them on a sign, and turned a tap on and off again at the request of his fans.

At one point he is heard to call out “Big Milo!” after an entreaty from his followers, a reference to an eight-hour YouTube stream by this reporter that discussed freedom of speech and featured many prominent names in the GamerGate movement. But the allegations made against him that he made “threatening comments” appear to be entirely fabricated.

GamerGate is a consumer movement for better ethics in games journalism that also rejects many feminist critiques of video games. Supporters have claimed for some time that professional gender warriors were levelling false allegations of “threats,” “abuse” and “harassment” against them, but this is thought to be the first time such an occasion has been caught in its entirety on film.

Breitbart reached Flores by telephone shortly after the incident, who said he was detained on site by officers for some time but allowed to leave without being arrested. “I’ve never made threatening comments to anyone,” he said. “But someone called the police on me. I don’t know what the whole point was.”

Ironically, a panellist, Margaret Ogarek from the Cook County Assistant State Attorney’s Office, had spent some time during the discussion making clear that false police reports can represent federal offences. Speaker Fruzsina Eördögh told Breitbart she left immediately after the panel and was not aware of any reports made to the police.

Editor’s Note: A previous version of this article suggested that the attending officer was from the local Police Department, as per our interview with Flores. Flores later contacted Breitbart to clarify that it was campus police who detained him. University Police Officers have full law enforcement authority including the power to make arrests on view or on warrants of state statutes, university rules and regulations and city or county ordinances on all property owned or controlled by the University. Breitbart has requested comment from both the university and Chicago Police Department. 

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