Indie developer Twisted is getting a lot of attention in the wake of it’s Monday announcement. They’re bringing PS4 Remote Play to the PC, courtesy of their brand new app.

Remote Play PC will do for the PS4 what Microsoft has recently accomplished with Xbox One, allowing gamers to stream games from their console to PC. But while you’d have to update to Windows 10 to get in on Microsoft’s functionality, Remote Play PC has no such requirement. Despite the name, even Macs will be able to make use of the advertised features.

Sony picked up on the excitement from the announcement and staked their own claim via a tweet by Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida that an official Remote Play function was coming. Previously, you could only stream PlayStation 4 content to the handheld PS Vita or select Sony phones. They’ve already done similar work with the PlayStation TV, which allows gamers to stream content from their PlayStation 4 from the cloud onto a remote television.

Whether you make use of Twisted’s new app or Sony’s eventual solution, performance will depend heavily on how robust your connection is, depending heavily on the latency of the network doing the streaming. In-home wi-fi isn’t always up to the task.

It’s great to see tech mega-corporations taking notes from indie developers and in the process creating better experiences for avid geeks all around. Kudos to Twisted for making the jump. Check out his development blog and voice your support.

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