Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos was recently named one of the biggest twits on Twitter by The Mirror in celebration of the social media platform’s 10 year anniversary.

The list, which celebrates the people “who’ve spent the past decade getting on everyone’s nerves,” includes the likes of David Cameron, Donald Trump, Anita Sarkeesian, and Kanye West.

Yiannopoulos, who recently embarked on his Dangerous Faggot tour, uses Twitter as a way of connecting with his fans. He has amassed over 180,000 followers and receives up to 50 million Twitter impressions over the course of the average month. He calls Twitter his “primary distribution mechanism” and “the place where [he] performs a lot of his journalism” when he’s not writing for Breitbart.

Milo also receives approximately 135,000 @-replies in a month, which is the number of times Twitter users directly reference Milo, at his handle, @nero. This number doesn’t include mentions of Yiannopoulos where his account isn’t directly referenced.

When Yiannopoulos isn’t using Twitter to talk about his hair, he’s challenging the regressive left. His 140-character commentary often goes right up to the line without crossing it — provoking conversation and thought that otherwise wouldn’t occur.

The column describes Yiannopoulos as a “British tech journalist” who has become a “global media superstar and figurehead of the American alt-right.”

To his feminist enemies, he’s the antichrist come down to Earth; to his legions of fans he’s quite literally the second coming of man, battling the “social justice warriors” of the left.

Tom Ciccotta writes about Free Speech and Intellectual Diversity for Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @tciccotta.