A male student at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota is facing a near two-year suspension after a questionable sexual assault investigation that yielded no evidence of any wrongdoing.

In a controversial move, the school’s administration filed an emergency motion on Monday to delete and seal some of the allegations made by the student in a suit filed against the university that claims that the student, John Doe, was subjected to “a rigged and unfair disciplinary process put in place to reach a predetermined result … in violation of both state and federal law.”

Although John Doe claims that the female student involved in the incident forced herself on him, she accused him of proceeding with sexual contact without obtaining her consent in the incident which occurred in December 2015. The female, named “Jane Doe” in the suit, claims that John “tried to force her to perform oral sex.”

Despite a police report that “concluded that no crime was committed by [John]” and a letter from the Ramsey County attorney’s office that confirmed that there was “insufficient evidence to support victim’s report of nonconsensual/forced sexual contact,” the university administration, led by Vice President for Student Affairs Karen Lange, upheld his suspension.

The police report, which was cited by Doe’s attorney in the pending trial against the university, referenced a video tape of John and his female counterpart entering the dormitory building the night of the incident. Officers were able to point out inconsistencies between the the female student’s story and what played out on that night’s security tape recording of the dormitory’s lounge room.

Officers questioned her on why she omitted that she had kissed and held hands with John on the night of the incident. Although she apologized for leaving these omitting certain details, she maintains that the attack occurred.

John’s attorney provided photos taken in prison of wounds on John’s body that they allege were left on his body by Jane during their encounter. John and his attorney claim that the pair didn’t engage in sexual intercourse, and that Jane had been more sexually aggressive during the exchange on the night of the incident.

Despite the lack of conclusive evidence and a seemingly unfair university investigation that contradicted police findings, John is still facing a suspension from the University of St. Thomas that begins at the end of this semester and lasts through the start of the spring semester in February 2018.

Tom Ciccotta writes about Free Speech and Intellectual Diversity for Breitbart. You can follow him on Twitter @tciccotta or on Facebook. You can email him at tciccotta@breitbart.com