According to posts on social media, DePaul University’s radical Assistant Director of Religious Diversity, Abdul-Malik Ryan, admires convicted cop killer H. Rap Brown and believes that pro-Israel Republicans are white nationalists.

According to an online bio, Abdul-Malik was born Michael P. Ryan and accepted Islam in 1994 after his “encounter with the life and legacy of Malcolm X (Malik Shabazz).” Despite appearing caucasian, Abdul-Malik regularly takes to social media to celebrate the diminishing white majority in America.

Ryan has taken to Twitter to remind the American Muslim community of the danger of “white suburbanite attitude” to Muslim children.

In other tweets, Ryan quoted convicted cop killer H. Rap Brown who shot two Fulton County Sheriffs, killing one, in 2000.

Ryan emphatically claimed that it’s immoral to reject Syrian “refugees” or to increase military spending.

He also alleges that pro-Israel Republicans are white nationalists.

Tom Ciccotta writes about Free Speech and Intellectual Diversity for Breitbart. You can follow him on Twitter @tciccotta or on Facebook. You can email him at