Twitter will now target advertisements at you based on the sort of emojis you use, according to a new blog post made by the social network.

“We’re always looking for ways to improve our precise targeting capabilities to help drive deep engagement and better performance for brands. Just in time for World Emoji Day on July 17, we’re excited to announce the availability of emoji keyword targeting for Twitter Ads!” announced Twitter on their official blog.

“Now, advertisers can target people who have recently Tweeted or engaged with Tweets featuring emojis with the help of select Twitter Official Partners: AdParlor, Amobee, HYFN, Perion, SocialCode, and 4C,” it explained. “This new feature uses emoji activity as a signal of a person’s mood or mindset — unlocking unique opportunities for marketers.”

The new advertising option will allow marketers to display certain adverts based on a user’s emotion or desire. A sad emoji could warrant an advert displaying something happy in order to cheer a user up.