Peter Schweizer, author of Clinton Cash, recently hosted a Q&A on Reddit following the recent release of the documentary based on his book, which is also set to be adapted into a graphic novel.

Users on Reddit’s pro Donald Trump community, /r/The_Donald, were extremely excited to have the author and Breitbart News senior editor-at-large answer their questions regarding to the Clinton family, Hillary Clinton’s run for president and the recent DNC email leak. Here are some of the best questions and answers from Mr. Schweizer throughout the entire Q&A:

User /u/northfall asked, “What Hillary scandal involving the Clinton Foundation is the most incriminating?” to which Mr. Schweizer answered “The most incriminating is the pattern of behavior. But I think if I had to pick one, it’s the uranium deal. We are used to hearing that Ambassadorships are for sale. But to take money as it relates to uranium assets in the United States, that’s a first. Everything seems to be for sale.”

When asked by user /u/die_caesar, “I have some liberal friends who I watched the movie with and don’t believe you because you are from Breitbart. How do I convince them?”

Mr. Schweizer replied “The uranium deal was confirmed by the new York Times in a 4000 word front page story by two Pulitzer Prize Winner investigative reporters. It confirms the uranium transfer and the hidden donations and other facts. Show them the NYT piece, and the WP and other stories that confirmed CC findings. Here’s a handy guide with links:

User /u/Poogmaster1999 asked, “Do you think Clinton is the most corrupt politician in American history?” Mr. Schweizer replied “Yes, both in terms of the amount of money and the fact that it’s foreign money. We’re not talking about Wall Street, Big Oil or Labor. We’re talking about Russians, Nigerians, and others buying our politicians. that’s new.”

User /u/Congressbeta asked, “Do you think the polls will switch back to Hillary in the lead?” to which Mr. Schweizer predicted, “I think it’s going to be neck to neck to the end. Trump has upended the political status quo in this country.”

Finally, user /u/Tristige asked, “What do you think is the number one thing we should focus on that is seemingly avoiding the public eye? Or is it all pretty much out there right now?” to which Mr. Schweizer replied ominously, “more is coming.”

You can read the full Q&A thread here and pick up a copy of Peter Schweizer’s book Clinton Cash here. The documentary adaption of the book was recently made free to watch on Breitbart and can be watched here.

The graphic novel adaptation, which is forthcoming, can be preordered at Barnes & Noble. 

Lucas Nolan is a conservative who regularly contributes articles on censorship and free speech articles to Breitbart. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at