In a frosty exchange, WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange suggested that TV talk show host Bill Maher has donated $1 million to the Clinton campaign.

Speaking via a webcam on Real Time with Bill Maher, Assange was asked by Maher why he had not hacked the Trump campaign, arguing about the DNC email leaks “obviously we know these came from Russia, and we also know that you do not like Hillary Clinton at all, as does not Vladimir Putin.”

“So it looks like you are working with a bad actor, Russia, to put your thumb on the scale, and f*** with the one person who stands in the way of us being ruled by Donald Trump,” Maher claimed.

Assange claimed last week that Russia were not involved in the hack of the Democratic National Committee.

Assange, who clearly anticipated an attack from Maher, responded by saying that “just before I came in here we thought we’d do a little search on our files, and I do notice that a William Maher gave a Clinton affiliated entity $1 million.”

Maher, who is a registered Democrat, originally suggested that Assange was referring to the public donation of $1 million Maher gave to Barack Obama’s re-election campaign in 2012.

When asked by Assange whether he had given the same sum to Clinton, he simply responded “f*** no,” adding that he “can’t give a million dollars every time someone runs for president.”

Assange has consistently pledged to release a “lot more” on Hillary Clinton and the corruption of the Clinton Foundation in the coming weeks.

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