Bethesda, developers of Fallout 4 and Skyrim, has publicly called out Sony for the lack of mod support on PS4.

“After months of discussion with Sony,” Bethesda has thrown up their proverbial hands in frustration. Despite having “long been ready” to offer mod support for Fallout 4 and Skyrim on Sony’s current-gen console, the two companies failed to reach an agreement. Which is to say, Sony has effectively blocked mods, because users’ content is too unpredictable.

Bethesda is “disappointed” by the decision, having invested a “considerable amount” of their resources into making it possible for fans to share their creations within franchises famously sustained by their post-release modding communities on the PC.

This is an especially tone-deaf move on Sony’s part, particularly after a largely underwhelming PS4 Pro announcement event. Microsoft is taking immediate advantage of both lacking mod support, and the fact that the PS4 Pro’s 4K support won’t have a 4K Blu-ray drive.

It’s two sharp missteps in a row from Sony, during a move to half-generation system iteration that will already be a hard sell to consumers. With the PS4 Pro’s November launch fast approaching, it’s probably too late for Sony to pivot on hardware. A more developer and consumer-friendly stance on modding might be a good idea, and the sort of olive branch that the company needs when it goes up against a competing mid-generation Xbox One upgrade.

Follow Nate Church @Get2Church on Twitter for the latest news in gaming and technology, and snarky opinions on both.