Members of UCLA’s “Revolution Club” disrupted a guest lecture event by Sabine Durden, an anti-illegal immigration activist.

Durden’s lecture focused on the death of her son, who was killed at the hands of an illegal immigrant. She is also a passionate supporter of Donald Trump, due to his strong support for national security and securing the border.

UCLA students, who had a strong reaction to Breitbart Senior Editor Milo Yiannopoulos’ recent visit to campus, crashed Durden’s event by rushing into the auditorium and attempting to shout the speaker down.

Outside of the auditorium, protesters called for a communist revolution and stamped their feet on the American flag.

Protesters chanted about police brutality and institutional oppression: “Is America great today when it wages a genocide against black and brown people? … Its murdering pigs, its murdering police shoot them down without any consequence? Hell no. This whole system is criminal. This event is promoting a racist, fascist, xenophobic agenda. Illegal immigrants are not the real criminals. The criminals are this country and the entire system that feeds on the exploitation and people of the world.”

Durden quickly took offense to the protester’s action, citing her disappoint that they wouldn’t treat her and the memory of her son with respect. “I don’t mind anything you have to say, whether if you agree with me or not, but it’s incredibly hard to be here and talk about my son,” Durden said. “I expect you guys to be somewhat respectful.”

Although the event was chaotic, Durden was able to get across her major points. “The undocumented community are criminals by law,” Durden pushed. “You have to take care of your own first before you can take care of others. So if I take care of my American people that have a right to be here first, and we have enough American criminals. We don’t need new criminals that aren’t even supposed to be here.”

Tom Ciccotta is a libertarian who writes about Free Speech and Intellectual Diversity for Breitbart. You can follow him on Twitter @tciccotta or email him at