An email between Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and Special Assistant to the Chair Milia Fisher shows the Clinton campaign discussing how to engage with “black twitter.”

A memo attached to an email from Fisher to Podesta outlines multiple ways that the Clinton campaign could appeal to voters by demographic. The memo lays out plans to appeal to women, Hispanic, and black voters, focusing mainly on media marketing to do so.

The memo references Clinton utilizing “African-American radio” to appeal to a wider voter base as well as focusing on social media and “black Twitter.”

Another recently uncovered email showed Clinton campaign political director Amanda Renteria asking if other team members comfortable with Clinton using the phrase “Yo Mama” during an appearance at a historically black college.

Clinton was also asked on the New York city radio show The Breakfast Club what she carries in her purse on a day to day basis, to which Clinton replied “hot sauce.” One host of the show outright suggested that Clinton was “pandering to black people” to which Clinton replied “OK… Is it workin’?”

And, of course, there was this moment on The Ellen DeGeneres Show:

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke commented on the radio show incident, saying, “I’m surprised she didn’t say watermelon — just go all the way in; this stuff is dehumanizing. It’s embarrassing. It’s disgusting. And if any other candidate were to say something like that, some stereotype about black people, it would derail their campaign.”

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart Tech, regularly writing about issues of Free Speech and online Censorship. Follow him on Twitter@LucasNolan_ or email him at