The personal information of over 150,000 government employees, including that of military and intelligence agency personnel, was reportedly leaked as part of the latest Yahoo data breach of over one billion users in what could be a potential threat to national security.

Some of the information disclosed in the breach includes names, passwords, email addresses, and security questions, which is now in the hands whoever is responsible for the latest hack.

Some of the individuals who have had information stolen as part of the hack include FBI agents, members of Congress, current and former diplomats, and other intelligence community and military officials.

Yahoo has claimed that the hack came from an “unauthorised third party” and urged its users to change their passwords and security questions.

The hack is the second major cyberattack announced in 2016, after the company announced in September that over 500 million users had had their accounts compromised by a breach it attributed to a “state sponsored actor.”

Yahoo has been heavily criticised in the wake of the hacks after it emerged CEO Melissa Myers reportedly denied funding to improve security practices, whilst company directors referred to their security team as the “paranoids.”

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