In a press conference arranged to announce his resignation from Breitbart News, Milo Yiannopoulos argued that the recent attention brought to comments he made about pedophilia over a year ago were the result of a media witch-hunt brought against him by establishment conservatives and the political left.

“But let’s be clear what is happening here,” Yiannopoulos said. “This is a cynical media witch hunt from people who don’t care about children. They care about destroying me and my career, and by extension my allies. They know that although I made some outrageous statements, I’ve never actually done anything wrong. These videos have been out there for more than a year. The media held this story back because they don’t care about victims, they only care about bringing me down. They will fail.”

Conservative blogger Jim Hoft reported on Monday that that attacks on Yiannopoulos were part of a coordinated attack by establishment conservatives spearheaded by the online blog, The Reagan Battalion, which aggressively hawked footage of Yiannopoulos’ controversial statements on pedophilia. According to Hoft, the group is connected to the die-hard establishment group “Stop Donald Trump PAC” and Evan McMullin, the NeverTrump conservative candidate in 2016.

In the Q&A following his statement, MILO again struck out at the alliance of activists and media publications that have been attacking him.

“Publications, and activists, and political operatives who insist on preserving their own power, these are people who have sold out your own country to line their own pockets,” declared MILO during his press conference in New York on Tuesday. “These people are dying, if not already dead. Their publications have no readers.”

“It’s very obvious this was a highly-coordinated and very well-planned and well-funded attack on me, but I have to take responsibility for what I said,” he continued. “Nonetheless, everyone at home can see what’s happening, and everyone at home can appreciate when Donald Trump is voted into the White House and the whole Republican party absolutely hates him that something has to change. There has to be a break at some point.”

“This sort of populist, nationalist revolution that is happening. The anti-political correctness, pro-free speech revolution that is happening all over the western world is not going anywhere,” MILO explained. “For the last thirty years, speech codes have been the order of the day and right-wing politicians have run terrified, screaming over allegations of racism and sexism, and basically given ground on almost every serious issue. Well that’s changing with the rise of bold electorates and bold politicians. Donald Trump is an example of that, I’m an example of a cultural figure related to that social change, and we are going to represent the next thirty years.”

MILO concluded by saying “This past forty-eight hours has been a horrible and humiliating and degrading experience for me, but I’m going to be around for thirty years. Many of the people who are organizing everything they possibly can to take me down will not be.”