Confront Sauron and his Ring Wraiths in Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, the sequel to 2014’s award-winning action-RPG Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor.

It appears players will once again take the role of ranger Talion, whose spirit fused with that of Elf Lord Celebrimbor in Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor after his death at the hands of Sauron’s forces. While few details are available at this time, the announcement from WB Games notes the first title’s Nemesis System, which caused the Orc leaders to change with each encounter with the player, “is now applied to the entire world where the environments and characters are all shaped by player actions and decisions, creating a personal world unique to every gameplay experience.”

The announcement also states that players will face “the deadliest of enemies, including Sauron and his Nazgul,” and the announcement trailer showcases a fearsome Balrog.

A first-look at gameplay from Shadow of War will debut on March 8, and the game is slated for release on August 22, 2017.