A Professor at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette claims that he “wakes up shaking” in the middle of the night over President Trump in a piece published in an established academic journal.

Professor Ronald Pelias, an instructor at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette who claims that he has “contempt” for Trump supporters,” wrote in a piece for the academic journal Qualitative Inquiry that he has lost sleep since Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in November’s presidential election.

Pelias claims that he wakes up shaking as a result of the anxiety and fear he has felt over the Trump presidency. “I cannot assuage my apprehension in anything I hear or read … I wake up, shaking. I keep checking the news. I want to sleep, but see nothing that gives me solace.”

He cites his belief that “millions of people” will now live in a “state of fear” because they aren’t “white, straight, Christians,” as the source of his lack of sleep, claiming that such thoughts cause him anxiety.

“I keep thinking of the millions of people, including those who voted for him, who will suffer if Trump’s inchoate and preposterous policies are enacted. I keep thinking of the millions of people who have been thrown into a state of fear because they are not White, straight, Christians,” Pelias continues. “I keep thinking of the millions of women, including those who did not and those who did vote for Trump, who will lose their hard-fought reproductive rights and who are now at greater risk of sexual assault and violence. I keep thinking such thoughts and I cannot sleep. I keep checking the news, each time feeling my anxiety and sorrow grow.”

Pelias explicitly states he believes Trump voters are uninformed and unethical, an attitude that is likely common amongst university professors.

“I can’t stop wondering if each person I encounter is [a] Trump supporter. If I identify someone who I believe fits that category, I assume he or she is deeply uninformed and/or unethical,” writes Pelias.

Pelias goes on to claim that Trump supporters don’t have a “sufficient moral compass to be around children.”

“I am angry and in my anger, I imagine myself saying to them: If you voted for Trump, I hope you never have a chance to teach children. I wouldn’t want you teaching my child. You are a hypocrite. You will do damage. You do not have a sufficient moral compass to be around children. That night I try to convince myself to restore my faith in my students. I struggle and I cannot sleep.”

Tom Ciccotta is a libertarian who writes about economics and higher education for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @tciccotta or email him at tciccotta@breitbart.com