Evergreen State College Professor Bret Weinstein, who has been embroiled in controversy for his refusal to participate in an event asking white students and staff to leave campus, called for College President George Bridges to step down.

Weinstein called for the resignation of Evergreen State College President George Bridges during an appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience on Friday.

“First of all, there is one clear first step. The president of the college has to step down. And there are two reasons why he has to step down. One, this is how things work,” he began. “He’s gotta step down because, A, when something has gone as crazy as we’ve seen things go on Evergreen campus, there is an expectation that somebody will take responsibility. So he has to step down to signal to the world that somebody is taking responsibility.”

Weinstein added that he believes that Bridges is directly responsible for the witch hunt against him, arguing that he helped to “set this in motion.”

“But in this case, he also absolutely must step down because this is his responsibility. He set this in motion, he made this happen. So it is not an injustice at all that he should have to step down. And I am frankly flabbergasted that it hasn’t happened yet. I do not understand how the Board of Trustees could allow him to maintain that position as long as he has,” Weinstein added.

Tom Ciccotta is a libertarian who writes about economics and higher education for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @tciccotta or email him at tciccotta@breitbart.com