The Evergreen State College faculty is as biased as one might expect, according to recently released data on the staff’s political donation history.

During the 2016 presidential elections, Evergreen faculty reportedly donated an overwhelming $10,086 to Democratic candidates and only $400 to Republican candidates. Bernie Sanders received the majority of donations from Evergreen faculty, taking in $5,404 from the college’s faculty compared to Hillary Clinton’s $2,026.

Evergreen President George Bridges made multiple donations to Democratic candidates, with $250 going to Rep. Dennis Heck in 2016, $300 to former Rep. Walt Minnick in 2008, and $500 to Sen. Patty Murray in 2014.

Donation totals for the faculty weren’t much different during the 2008 presidential elections. Evergreen employees contributed over $16,000 to Democratic candidates and only $200 to Republican candidates. During the 2004 election, 100 percent of faculty donations went to Democratic candidates.

Perhaps most interestingly, Evergreen faculty have not donated a single dollar to a Republican congressional candidate since 2012.

Tom Ciccotta is a libertarian who writes about economics and higher education for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @tciccotta or email him at