Embattled Biology Professor Bret Weinstein is preparing to file a $3.8 million claim against his employer, Evergreen State College, according to a report from Campus Reform.

Bari Weiss of the New York Times called Evergreen’s “Day of Absence” exercise “a day of racial segregation,” but when Biology Professor Bret Weinstein eloquently objected to it in an email to fellow faculty members, a hoard of students descended upon one of his class sessions and demanded his resignation. After student protest efforts escalated, Weinstein was forced to relocate his class away from campus.

According to a new report from Campus Reform, Weinstein is preparing to a file a multi-million dollar claim against the college. The claim follows a June litigation request that asked school administrators to preserve all evidence that might pertain to a future lawsuit. Campus Reform obtained several documents from Evergreen as a result of the litigation request.

One faculty member penned an email to Weinstein condemning him for his appearance on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program, which was a point of contention throughout the debacle that took place towards the end of Evergreen’s spring semester.

“Bret, I don’t know what you were thinking. By describing yourself to Tucker [Carlson] as a ‘deeply progressive person’ you provided him ammunition for the claim that ‘the crazies are even going after progressives!!!,’” the email reads.

“I hope that you won’t deepen your relation with Fox or pass on more raw material for Tucker’s ‘campus craziness’ show,” it continues. “I have no doubt that you and your family are suffering due to recent missives and events; but so are many others on campus.”

Another email obtained by Campus Reform has a headline that reads: “A Letter to the campus and Bret Weinstein from some Jews bent on the destruction of White Supremacy.”

“We want to talk about the ways that Weinstein is positioning himself as a Jew to invalidate the claims of racism being raised against him,” the letter starts.

“Bret Weinstein is wrong, he has put you in danger, and we will not allow him to hide behind our histories in order to dodge responsibility for his abhorrent and reprehensible words and actions,” it concludes, before suggesting that Weinstein should be terminated. “NO COPS ON CAMPUS!!! FIRE BRET WEINSTEIN!!! BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!”

The lawsuit focuses on Evergreen administrator’s failure in ensuring necessary workplace boundaries on campus. Documents obtained from the standard Tort claim that the school “failed to set and enforce necessary boundaries in the workplace on campus, selectively has chosen not to enforce its student Code of Conduct, and sent the unmistakable message that the school will tolerate (and even endorse) egregious violations (and even crimes) purportedly to advance racial social goals, diminishing the collegiate experience for all, and fostering a racially hostile work and retaliatory environment for faculty and staff.”

Evergreen State President George Bridges, who has been heavily criticized over his role in allowing his campus to descend into chaos, admitted in a hearing in June that he asked campus police to come unarmed to Weinstein-related protest events. To many, this was considered unusually irresponsible, especially given the violence that has erupted this year at schools like UC Berkeley and Middlebury College.

The Tort Claim can be read at Campus Reform.

Tom Ciccotta is a libertarian who writes about economics and higher education for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @tciccotta or email him at tciccotta@breitbart.com