A woman alleged to be a graduate teaching assistant at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln was caught on camera Friday afternoon harassing a student tabling for the conservative student group Turning Point USA.

“Neo-fascist Becky right here. Wants to destroy public schools, public universities, hates DACA kids,” the alleged teaching assistant shouted at Turning Point USA chapter President Katie Mullen in a video captured by Campus Reform. “Becky” is used as a derogatory slang term referring to stereotypical white women.

While the identity of the faculty member remains unclear, a woman claiming to be Associate Professor Amanda Gailey was less shy with her identity. She stood across the plaza opposite from Turning Point’s table with a sign that read “Turning Point: Please put me on your watch list. Prof. Amanda Gailey.” The woman claiming to be Gailey was referring to Turning Point’s Professor Watch List, which is a database of radical professors for student reference.

Turning Point USA chapter President Katie Mullen said, “I didn’t even engage, but I kept tabling as I wasn’t going to let them silence me,” she continued, but conceded that after a while, “I got overwhelmed and scared and started to cry,” at which point the professors “screamed [that] I was crying for attention.” Tabling is the common term for students involved in organizations on campus setting up a table to discuss the club and recruit new student members.

“It shocks me that these are professors that are supposed to teach and support students and they were bullying me,” Mullen said in an interview.

Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk shared video from the moment on his Twitter account. Since its posting on August 25, Kirk’s tweet has received over 1,300 retweets and 1,300 likes.

Mullen claims that despite some of the chaos, her tabling effort was a success. The group received 56 new signups over the course of the day-long effort.

On Monday, another video from the same school went viral on Kirk’s Twitter account. The video shows a university employee threatening to remove the Turning Point USA chapter group from their spot on the campus plaza for an alleged violation of campus free speech rules. Eventually, campus police arrive and asked the students to move to another location.