30 faculty members at Georgetown University Law School participated in a kneeling protest against the visit of Attorney General Jeff Sessions who spoke at the school later on Tuesday.

A large portion of the Georgetown Law faculty kneeled in front of the school’s building to protest the arrival of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who was scheduled to give a speech on campus free speech that afternoon.

In an open letter, the faculty members that participated in the protest accused Sessions of hypocrisy, arguing that Trump’s calls for contract termination for NFL players who protest the national anthem seriously bring into question the administration’s commitment to free expression.

“We, the undersigned, condemn the hypocrisy of Attorney General Sessions speaking about free speech,” the letter states. “Sessions is a key cabinet member in an administration headed by a President who spent last weekend denouncing athletes engaging in free expression and calling for them to be fired.”

The letter also mentions the Justice Department’s prosecution of a woman who was charged with disorderly conduct after laughing during Session’s confirmation hearing.

“These are just three examples of governmental action antithetical to freedom of speech and association for which Attorney General Sessions is either closely affiliated or directly responsible,” the professors added. “A man who fails to recognize paradigmatic violations of the First Amendment is a poor choice to speak about free speech on campuses.

During the speech, Sessions argued that colleges are an “echo chamber of political correctness and homogenous thought, a shelter for fragile egos.”