The University of Tennessee at Knoxville hosted an anal sex workshop on Wednesday as part of their six-day “Sex Week” event.

On Wednesday, students at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville were invited to attend a workshop called “Butt Stuff 2.0: The Pegging.” According to the workshop’s description, it aims “to clarify how to safely and healthily engage in the act, as well as demystify any misconceptions regarding anal sex.”

Other workshop events during “Sex Week” are just as bizarre. Events include “Your Penis and You,” “Sucking D and Licking P,” “CSI: My Period,” and “Masturbation Nation.”

Locals called into the Todd Starnes radio show this week to express some thoughts about “Sex Week.”

“Tennesseans certainly do not approve of this kind of behavior,” former state Sen. Mae Beavers said during her conversation with Starnes. “The university does not reflect the values of Tennesseans and I think it’s about time Tennesseans stood up and demanded their legislature defund these things.”

Conservative commentator Steve Gill told Starnes that “Sex Week” should make Tennesseans question the public funding that the University of Tennesee at Knoxville receives.

“The liberal agenda of the leadership at Tennessee is frankly out of control and completely disconnected with the values and concerns of Tennessee taxpayers,”  Gill said.

The university claims, however, that state funds weren’t used for “Sex Week.”

Colby College Professor Aaron Hanlon argued in 2017 that university officials should be able to place “value judgments” on-campus programming.

Hanlon argued then that efforts to restrict events featuring provocative speakers are mere “value judgments” by administrators, who are attempting to prioritize the most valuable of information before presentation to students.

The response to the University of Tennesee at Knoxville’s “Sex Week” event should involve asking administrators across the country why such events are more valuable to students than those featuring conservative speakers, who often face de-platforming campaigns.