The Washington Post published a column last week by Northeastern professor Suzanna Danuta Walters that argued for a universal hatred of all men.

The column, which was appropriately titled “Why Can’t We Hate Men?”  asks readers to consider adopting a hatred of men as a group. Walters asks readers to consider various gender-based social issues such as the rates of sexual violence experienced by women. She also includes disputed issues such as the gaps in earnings and in access to education. With regards to the latter, it certainly clear that women are earning degrees at a significantly higher rate than men (but that’s a column for another time.)

Pretty much everywhere in the world, this is true: Women experience sexual violence, and the threat of that violence permeates our choices big and small. In addition, male violence is not restricted to intimate-partner attacks or sexual assault but plagues us in the form of terrorism and mass gun violence. Women are underrepresented in higher-wage jobs, local and federal government, business, educational leadership, etc.; wage inequality continues to permeate every economy and almost every industry; women continue to provide far higher rates of unpaid labor in the home (e.g., child care, elder care, care for disabled individuals, housework and food provision); women have less access to education, particularly at the higher levels; women have lower rates of property ownership.

So what is Professor Walters’ point? Seemingly, Walters argues that hatred of men, as a group, should be more mainstream. She closes her column by asking men to stop seeking leadership positions in society.

So men, if you really are #WithUs and would like us to not hate you for all the millennia of woe you have produced and benefited from, start with this: Lean out so we can actually just stand up without being beaten down. Pledge to vote for feminist women only. Don’t run for office. Don’t be in charge of anything. Step away from the power. We got this. And please know that your crocodile tears won’t be wiped away by us anymore. We have every right to hate you. You have done us wrong. #BecausePatriarchy. It is long past time to play hard for Team Feminism. And win.

You can read the entirety of Professor Walters’ column here.