UK dashcam manufacturer Nextbase has created a dashcam database for users to submit footage of accidents and illegal acts directly to local police.

CNET reports that a new program called the National Dash Cam Safety Portal has been created by UK dashcam manufacturer Nextbase. The new service allows drivers to upload footage from their dashcam directly to a database where they can forward that footage onto police.

UK drivers can choose the region of England or Wales in which they are based and send accident footage or other illegal behavior recorded with their dashcam directly to police along with a witness statement. The new system has been praised by UK police officers with West Mercia Police Superintendent Paul Moxley telling the BBC: “While the benefits to motorists of this groundbreaking portal are clear, this convenience extends to police forces. A process which previously took hours can now be reduced to a matter of minutes.”

The NDSP system is available to motorists using any type of dashcam, not just ones produced by Nextbase. This new initiative reportedly has the backing of 14 police forces across England and Wales, largely in part due to its ability to reduce the processing time of crimes for police officers. Before the scheme was enacted, police took an estimated time of 15 hours to process dashcam footage and issue a penalty, this new system cuts that time down massively.

Nextbase has published a list of frequently asked questions ahead of the project going live this week in order to help motorists better understand the new system. The FAQ notes that it is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that dashcam footage is securely saved and can be made available by police, and warns motorists not to upload dashcam footage to social media as it may affect legal proceedings relating to the recorded incident.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or email him at